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Combine Fire

by Allen C.

One day I was farming. I was cutting beans with PaPa on a sunny day at Newman’s farm. We were in the middle of the field when PaPa smelled smoke. When he looked he saw that the combine was on fire. I ran down the ladder very fast and got far away from the combine. PaPa took the fire extinguisher and shot a couple of shots under the engine. I was very scared for PaPa and thought he was going to get hurt so I said a prayer for him. He very fast went to the nose and put the fire out. Everyone was OK.

Based on a true story

Comments on: "Combine Fire" (9)

  1. I like your descriptive words…..”sunny” day….and how PaPa ran very “fast”….You are blossoming into a great writer. Each story you write gets better and better. I hope to see more.

  2. I like your story too Allen. I was with you that day too, and I was scared too. You are such a good farmer to offer up a prayer for Papa right off the bat. It all turned out ok but it was very scary. Thank you for this nice story. You really are getting better each story your write. Looking forward to more farm stories.

  3. Nancy Barth said:

    Allen, I just read a story about another combine fire. A teacher’s husband was using the combine when it caught fire. He got away, and they managed to stop the fire from spreading. I had no idea a combine could cause a fire, and to read about it twice in two weeks is something else!

  4. I like your story. How old are you?

  5. Kaden B. said:

    It was cool that you were basing it on a real story. Keep writing.

  6. Annie Song said:

    I never heard about a combine fire until I read your story. I like it!

  7. HuntersLab616 said:

    my grandpas combine was on fire cause a part flew out

  8. HuntersLab616 said:

    my grandpas combine was on fire once too.

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