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The Hobbit Book Report

by Mikaela

A Book Report For
The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien

This Story takes place in the Fantasy World of Middle Earth, after the age of the Faerie but before the dominion of men. When the famous Forest of Mirkwood was still standing, the Elves still prosperous and the Misty Mountains were full of goblins, trolls, stone giants, and other dangers. The Main Characters, which include Bilbo the hobbit, Thorin Oakenshield the Dwarf, Balin, Fili, Kili, Bombur, and eight more Dwarves, and Gandalf the Wizard.
At the Beginning of the story Bilbo is about forty to fifty years old, enjoying a peaceful life in his hobbit-hole. Gandalf shows up out of nowhere, and says Bilbo is going on an adventure. Bilbo is quite displeased, so he runs into his hole, and shuts the door, thinking he has gotten rid of the Wizard. But, that night thirteen Dwarves came to his house, and barged on in like they had been invited. They (literally) pillaged his pantry, and Gandalf came after the Dwarves. It seems Gandalf had persuaded them to travel to the great Mountain, and kill the dragon that had stolen their treasure. But they need a burglar, someone who can go deep into the Mountain, and find the Arkenstone, the jewel that will give Thorin the right to rule. Smaug, (The Dragon) had stolen it, making himself the king under the Mountain.
Bilbo hesitates, but finally agrees to accompany the Dwarves on their journey. The battle Trolls, Goblins, and giant spiders. Bilbo even went up against the creature Golem, and found a magic ring, that when he wore it, made him invisible. They were once captured by Wood Elves, and without Bilbo, never wound have escaped. The most exciting part, was when Bilbo went down into the Mountain. With the help of his magic ring, he found a gold goblet, but awoke the Dragon. Smaug knew Bilbo was there, he knew where Bilbo was too. Then, Smaug, well, you have to read the book to find out what Smaug did.
The book is full of descriptive words, and the verbs make you feel like you are right in the middle of the action. It is enjoyable because you never know what could happen next. Will they escape? Will they kill the Dragon? Will any of them die? These are a few of the many questions you will ask when reading the book.
This story is very exciting. I would highly recommend it. It can be a little scary at times, but there are also humorous parts. If you can’t afford to buy the book, you can read it online for free at bestlibraryspot.net. Just click on Top Authors in the top right hand corner and you should see J. R. R. Tolkien. Click on it, and then you will find The Hobbit. It is worth reading!

Comments on: "The Hobbit Book Report" (3)

  1. There is a movie series based on this book too. Two of the movies are out now, but the last one will be out next spring. You can watch the trailers and clips from the movies on youtube.

  2. How long did that take

  3. Anonymous said:

    i liked it

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