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Posts tagged ‘God’

This is How You Do It

author at workAction. Strong characters. Conflict. Trouble. Recent change and more change about to take place. All the elements you need to create a powerful beginning.

Mikaela included every one of those elements in Chapter One of God is Now Here – not an easy thing to do, and yet the writing flows so easily.

Mikaela, awesome job. Everyone else, go read this story right now. You’ll see how great beginnings keep us wanting more.

How to Start a Story

great jobBeginnings can be tricky because you have to decide what information to share and what to hold back. You want to tell your readers enough so they’ll understand the type of story you’re going to tell but you also want to hold back some secrets to keep them reading. If you’d like to see a well-written example of what to include in the beginning of your story, read Mikaela’s prologue for God is Now Here. She includes everything a good beginning should include and she does it in less than a page. Well done, Mikaela!

Mikaela also added to the group Mystery story and it’s getting really, really good. You should go read that too. Then add to it because I can’t wait to see what happens next!